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An Unlikely Source

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Namaan was a powerful army commander afflicted with leprosy. During one of his war campaigns, a little girl from Israel was captured and brought back to the camp. With what appears to be concern for Naaman, the little girl taken from her place of comfort mentions there is a man that can pronounce healing over him back in her homeland. This says a great deal about this young ladies heart and character, stripped from what was familiar and still concerned about the welfare of others. She had the answer to his affliction and was not going to hold back any information forsaking her duty to share wisdom that would bring healing to her foe. Now that will preach! *

I am not sure how long Naaman was afflicted but I am sure he was anxious to receive permission from the King, approval was indeed granted with a sense of urgency, "Go Now," the King declared. Naaman had proven his loyalty and his campaign victories reflected the favor of God on his life, his healing would only bring greater victory to the King. With gifts and I am sure an anxious heart Naaman sets out for his breakthrough.

Upon arrival, the King of Israel became suspicious and gave a very poor response arrogantly believing that this was a ploy to begin a fight between the Assyrians and Israel. The Prophet Elisha put the King of Israel's mind at ease by reassuring him that this was a good thing and this work would surely bring glory to God.*

The Prophet Elisha is known as the devout successor of the Prophet Elijah. An impeccable story about some of their final moments can be read in 2 Kings 2: 1-15. Reading this portion of scripture again brought forth tears of courage, Elisha's bravery and unyielding followership demonstrates such great strength and encouragement to me. Anyway, I digress, as always.

One of Prophet Elisha's messengers tells Naaman that his healing will come after he dips himself in the Jordon River seven times. Naaman's disappointment in the prophet sending a messenger instead of him coming out to perform this great miracle seemed strange and offensive. He began to trivialize the prophets’ instructions and had a heart to leave until his servants convinced him to move past his offense and think about the bigger picture. Does it really matter if the messenger, servant or a donkey gave you the instructions, if the prophet declares you will be healed if you follow these instructions, shall you not do it because he didn't come to tell you himself? Finally, Naaman takes the dip and is healed. "Naaman and his whole group came back to the man of God. He stood before Elisha and said, “Look, I now know there is no God in all the earth except in Israel...” (2 Kings 5:15 ERV).*

Many of us know Apostle Paul as a persecutor of Christians transformed on his way to Damascus (to persecute more Christians) becoming the most devout instrument of God used to bring the Good News -our redemption- to the Gentiles. His great joy was celebrating his service to God, offering truth in regions where the message had never been heard. Paul entered his service in God with an astute background in philosophy and religion obtained prior to becoming a devout Christian. Nevertheless, post-conversion, all of that became secondary; the Apostle was committed to a humble heart towards God's grace working through him in order to touch the lives appointed to him. Many in the community had to accept Paul's conversion and accept that blessings are not always stored up in the most likely place or individual. Your blessing may come from a different direction, places where you think not even to enter or entertain. Be open and let God move through that unlikely source.

"He delighted not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy." Psalm 147:10-11 KJV

*II Kings 5 (Reference)

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